CDM Specialist Services and CDM Consultancy from Wilkins Safety Group

Since the company began, the objective has been to ensure that quality is at the heart of everything we do. Quality in the way we inspect, quality in the way we organise and conduct ourselves and, above all, doing our best to ensure that the client achieves the quality on site they pay for.
It is vital, we believe, that the role of CDM Specialist is one that warrants in depth knowledge of the construction process, careful attention to detail, an ethos of assessment and recording of salient information and the desire to ensure that performance and quality are paramount.
All these qualities exist within The Wilkins Safety Group in our daily work and add to our performance as CDM Specialists and Consultants.
Our attitude to the role is a practical one – we believe in ensuring paperwork is precise and concise. This helps site operatives and management react more readily. Our emphasis is very much on the practical effects of Health and Safety control, rather than paper for paper’s sake.

Our senior professional staff are empowered to act in the interest of the company, thus providing clients with a focal point of contact through the entire life-cycle of a project. Their brief involves liaising closely with clients to provide informed advice on all issues relating to CDM and Health and Safety in projects.
Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015
The HSE have updated the CDM regs to bring them in line with the requirements of Directive 92/57/EEC on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile construction sites. These Regulations came into effect from April 6th 2015.
The changes will require better risk assessment at design stage and then stricter controls on health and safety during the construction phase. This will include auditing of contractors’ risk assessments and method statements and monitoring that these controls are in place on the site.
The Wilkins Safety Group offer a complete CDM service enabling us to act as ‘Principal Designer’ as well as CDM support for Architects and Designers and also as CDM support to Principal Contractors.
The know-how your project needs providing the CDM support you need from concept, through both pre construction and construction phases and finally the post construction phase that adds reassurance for you and your team.
The National Standards Body for the United Kingdom, BSI has published PAS 91:2013+A1:2017 for application across the UK.
The new, free to download, standard covers, for the first-time, the engagement of those design organisations to be appointed by the project client as Principal Designers under the CDM Regulations 2015.
CDM 2015 requires that design and contractor organisations appointed to work on a construction project must have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience and organisational capability to fulfil the role that they are appointed to undertake.
The client responsible for appointing the design and contractor organisations must take reasonable steps to satisfy themselves that those parties have the necessary skills etc.
The standard sets out the core health and safety related questions to be asked by CDM 2015 construction project clients and the evidence required to be satisfied that those appointed possess the necessary skills, knowledge, experience and organisational capability to carry out the Principal Designer function.
Successful prior assessment can reduce bureaucracy
The new PAS 91 provides for acceptance by clients of relevant successful assessments by registered members of the Safety Schemes in Procurement Forum (SSIP), against the PAS sections which covers health and safety questions only.
To help reduce cost and bureaucracy client compliance with PAS 91 includes acceptance of relevant, successful assessments by an SSIP registered member scheme in lieu of responses to the H&S question. This enables the clients to give additional attention to project-specific health and safety questions.
PAS 91 states that the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) supports SSIP, noting that suitable assessment of a supplier by an SSIP member assessor meets the client general requirement to exercise “reasonable judgment” based on the evidence provided.
So, to be sure that your chosen Principal Designer is reaching the required standard you should be checking that they are listed on the SSIPs Portal where of course you will find Wilkins Safety Group!
CDM Training
The Wilkins Safety Group offer a complete range of CDM 2015 courses with:
- 1/2 day courses aimed at specific duty holders from client & designers to the small builder.
- 1 day general CDM 2015 Awareness course
- 3 day CDM 2015 course for those wishing to act as CDM Advisers to Clients, Principal Designers and Contractors
This is a short video from CITB about the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
We have a number of leaflets that explain your duties under this regulation – click on the appropriate button to download those you are interested in.