First Aid & Safeguarding

Positive Handling in Schools

Positive Handling is a very serious subject. Knowing when and how to act in a difficult situation can be the difference between a positive outcome and a potentially career ending prosecution. This course will start by looking at some examples and statistics which highlight the seriousness and extent of aggressive pupil behaviour, it [...]

Mental Health Awareness

People often equate the words mental health with mental illness and there are many definitions of what mental health actually is. Mental health issues can happen to anyone despite social background, intelligence, gender or other factors. This course explains the difference between mental health and mental illness. It covers the symptoms of a [...]

Safeguarding Adults

Our Safeguarding courses have been created because, first and foremost, each and every one of us has basic human rights. Chief among these is the right to be healthy, happy and treated well, regardless of race, age, gender or location. When these rights are abused in some way it’s wrong, and it is [...]

Safeguarding Children

Our Safeguarding courses have been created because, first and foremost, each and every one of us has basic human rights. Chief among these is the right to be healthy, happy and treated well, regardless of race, age, gender or location. When these rights are abused in some way it’s wrong, and it is [...]

Sharps Awareness

There is a common misconception that sharps injuries are only of concern to medical and care staff. However it is not uncommon for people in other industries such as waste disposal to come into contact with used sharps. In this course we'll start by looking at some statistics relating to discarded needles, then [...]

Stress Management

The Health and Safety Executive states that ‘work related stress develops because a person is unable to cope with the demands being placed on them’. This can come from any aspect of their life but it often comes from demands placed on them at work. So why is stress a problem in the [...]

Stroke Awareness

Strokes are the fourth single leading cause of death in the UK, as well as a leading cause of disability. Being aware of the causes and symptoms will help you act fast in a situation where you suspect someone is having a stroke and provide them with the best chance of receiving the [...]

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